Essayez-vous à l'artisanat traditionnel !

Kanazawa est inscrite au réseau des villes créatives de l'UNESCO pour la catégorie "Artisanat et Arts populaires" et donc mondialement reconnue pour la variété et le dynamisme de sa culture artisanale. On y trouve logiquement quantités de studios et d'ateliers spécialisés au sein desquels une multitude de techniques et de savoir-faire ancestraux ont continué de se transmettre pendant des siècles. Beaucoup d'entre-eux proposent aux visiteurs de faire l'expérience de ces nombreuses techniques, appliquées à une gamme d'objets très large et variée. Alors pourquoi ne pas tenter l'expérience et saisir l'opportunité de créer vous-même une œuvre toute personnelle que vous pourrez conserver en souvenir de votre voyage ? Les artisans seront à vos côtés pour vous guider par des instructions détaillées et minutieuses, de sorte que chacun pourra facilement relever le défi.

Essayez-vous à l'artisanat traditionnel !

Découvrez la variété et la richesse d'une tradition artisanale dont Kanazawa est si fière et fabriquez-vous votre propre souvenir en participant à un atelier !

C'est en vous attelant à créer vous même un objet d'artisanat traditionnel, guidé par les conseils d'un spécialiste, que vous saisirez au mieux la valeur et l'attrait de la culture artisanale de Kanazawa. Nous vous présentons ci-dessous quelques-uns des artisanats locaux parmi les plus populaires qui pourraient bien vous tenter.

Kaga Yuzen

La teinture sur tissus de Kaga Yuzen se reconnaît à ses motifs peints très réalistes, basés sur les cinq couleurs traditionnelles associées à l'histoire et à la culture artistique de Kanazawa; à savoir, l'indigo, le cramoisi foncé, l'ocre jaune, le vert herbe et le pourpre. Plusieurs options dont la coloration et la teinture au pochoir sont proposées lors d'ateliers qui vous feront vivre des expériences authentiques. Vous aurez également la possibilité d'essayer un authentique kimono en teinture de Kaga Yuzen, un vêtement de grande classe que les autochtones prisent particulièrement.

Kaga Mizuhiki

Le Mizuhiki est un art décoratif à base de fines cordelettes et de papier tressé, encore très souvent utilisé dans les emballages traditionnels au Japon. La version locale de cette discipline, appelée Kaga Mizuhiki, est caractérisée par la recherche de motifs tridimensionnels particulièrement sophistiqués, la technique de nouage originelle ayant évolué jusqu'à permettre la création de figures revêtant une véritable dimension artistique. Créez vous-même de jolis accessoires tout en découvrant les secrets de la technique du Kaga Mizuhiki, un savoir-faire unique à Kanazawa.

Porcelaine de Kutani

Caractérisée par ses motifs réalistes, le style "Kutani" est reconnu dans le monde entier et considéré depuis plus d'un siècle comme l'une des porcelaines d'art parmi les représentatives du Japon. Pourquoi ne pas faire l'expérience d'appliquer vous mêmes les couleurs authentiques du style Kutani sur un objet de votre choix en utilisant les mêmes pigments et matériaux que les artisans professionnels.

Incrustation de Kaga Zogan

L'incrustation est une technique qui consiste à sculpter un métal puis à y incruster d'autres fragment de métaux en guise de motifs. Dans l'ancien Japon, elle était utilisée pour décorer les harnais et les armures des samouraïs. Aujourd'hui, elle intervient dans la confection d'accessoires familiers tels que colliers et boucles d'oreilles, mais aussi de vases et de brûleurs d'encens. Cet atelier demande de la délicatesse et de la persévérance, mais le résultat est unique et très satisfaisant.

Artisanat de la feuille d'or

Kanazawa détient la plus grande part de marché pour la fabrication de feuilles d'or au Japon. Au cours de cet atelier, vous avez la possibilité d'appliquer des feuilles d'or d'une épaisseur de 0,1 micron sur divers objets tels que coupelles, assiettes, boîtes ou baguettes. C'est un atelier très populaire car relativement rapide et simple pour un prix très raisonnable.

Ateliers d'artisanat traditionnel

Incredibly fun art of “mizuhiki”! [Making an envelope]
Incredibly fun art of “mizuhiki”! [Making an envelope]
Envelops for special occasions: Learn the “mizuhiki” knot-tying technique and make your own unique, beautiful envelops!
Incredibly fun art of “mizuhiki”! [making a Message Card]
Incredibly fun art of “mizuhiki”! [making a Message Card]
Don't miss a fun experience of a “mizuhiki” knot-tying technique while you are in Kanazawa!
Incredibly fun art of “mizuhiki”! [Making colorful accessories]
Incredibly fun art of “mizuhiki”! [Making colorful accessories]
The “mizuhiki” knot-tying accessories -choose your favorite colors and make your one and only earrings, brooches or key chains to add colours to your outfits!
Incredibly fun art of “mizuhiki”! [Making a Shimenawa]
Incredibly fun art of “mizuhiki”! [Making a Shimenawa]
"Mizuhiki" Shimenawa (sacred rope) as as a souvenir for your trip in Kanazawa
Where Woodcarving Comes Alive: One-on-one Tour of Inami with a Local Guide
Where Woodcarving Comes Alive: One-on-one Tour of Inami with a Local Guide
Incredibly fun art of “mizuhiki”! [Making a Hashioki]
Incredibly fun art of “mizuhiki”! [Making a Hashioki]
Create your own Mizuhiki chopstick rests to decorate your dinner table. Learn the traditional Kanazawa knot-tying technique!
Enjoy a gold leaf workshop, one of the city’s top handicrafts, right in the center of Kanazawa
Enjoy a gold leaf workshop, one of the city’s top handicrafts, right in the center of Kanazawa
Use one of the lightest and most glittery materials on earth to create a piece of your own
Gold leaf pasting experience
Gold leaf pasting experience
Traditional crafts
WAGASA Japanese traditional umbrella weaving experiance
WAGASA Japanese traditional umbrella weaving experiance
Learn and experiance WAGASA umbrella artisan's weaving techniques
Potter's Wheel Experience
Potter's Wheel Experience
Kutani Kosen Kiln Workplace Insights
Kutani Kosen Kiln Workplace Insights
Private tour of a traditional craft workshop
Take a break from the hustle and bustle of the town and refresh your mind to the sound of Kaga Furin wind chimes
Take a break from the hustle and bustle of the town and refresh your mind to the sound of Kaga Furin wind chimes
Experience creating your own glass wind chime in a quiet and cozy space in a historical district
Wood Charring Experience at Iwamoto Kiyoshi Studio
Wood Charring Experience at Iwamoto Kiyoshi Studio
Join us at Iwamoto Kiyoshi Studio and create your own wooden tray using Japanese traditional wood charring technique.
Private Maki-e Workshop: Create Your Own Lacquered Chopsticks & Bowls
Private Maki-e Workshop: Create Your Own Lacquered Chopsticks & Bowls
10% of the proceeds will be donated to aid victims of the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake
Private Yuzen Dyeing Workshop: Create Your Own Traditional Japanese Art
Private Yuzen Dyeing Workshop: Create Your Own Traditional Japanese Art
10% of the proceeds will be donated to aid victims of the 2024 Noto Earthquake
The making name charm of Kaga Inlay and original carved seals.【You can take a walk from Higashiyama.】
The making name charm of Kaga Inlay and original carved seals.【You can take a walk from Higashiyama.】
Recommend it to your souvenir, baby gift and present of the Memorial day. The charm for the pet of a dog and the cat is popular, too.
The making of original name charm! Let's make the souvenir of the trip in the metal sculpture studio! [The charm of dogs and cats is popular, too]
The making of original name charm! Let's make the souvenir of the trip in the metal sculpture studio! [The charm of dogs and cats is popular, too]
You can experience various carved seals! [an intermediate course in the workshop of the metal sculpture studio]
The making of original name charm of the small carved seals. [You can make the family crest of Kaga(A plum blossom crest) too!]
The making of original name charm of the small carved seals. [You can make the family crest of Kaga(A plum blossom crest) too!]
It is completed in around one hour from 40 minutes. It is recommended to a child and families. How about insouvenir of a trip?
MIZUHIKI craft necklace making workshop
MIZUHIKI craft necklace making workshop
This is a hands-on mizuhiki workshop at Tsuda Mizuhiki Orikata
Easy and fun! A glass etching hands-on just a few minutes’ walk from Kenrokuen Garden
Easy and fun! A glass etching hands-on just a few minutes’ walk from Kenrokuen Garden
Making use of the sandblasting technique, this make your own glass hands-on will have you carving your name and a design of your own on a glass cup or a hanko seal
A traditional Wagashi Japanese sweet workshop only two minutes from Kenrokuen Garden (reservation required)
A traditional Wagashi Japanese sweet workshop only two minutes from Kenrokuen Garden (reservation required)
A very popular hands-on experience, including a shopping ticket to be used for the many products offered by the facility!
Create your original vessel in a unique "Kanazawa-Nuri" style by layering and painting various colors!
Create your original vessel in a unique
You can take it home on the same day
Kaga Yuzen Dyeing workshop at the artist's studio near Kanazawa Station!
Kaga Yuzen Dyeing workshop at the artist's studio near Kanazawa Station!
More than 30 different designs hand-drawn one by one by yuzen artist Yomei Hirano
Kutani ware Etsuke (Drawing) Experience
Kutani ware Etsuke (Drawing) Experience
Experience and learn the secrets of Kaga Yuzen, one of Kanazawa’s most sophisticated handicrafts, in a very elegant studio!
Experience and learn the secrets of Kaga Yuzen, one of Kanazawa’s most sophisticated handicrafts, in a very elegant studio!
Release your creativity by combining a great variety of patterns and colors!
A very accessible gold leaf workshop, just a few blocks from Kenrokuen Garden
A very accessible gold leaf workshop, just a few blocks from Kenrokuen Garden
There are many stylish designs to choose from and craft a souvenir of your own
A paper doll painting hands-on, just two minutes from Kenrokuen Garden
A paper doll painting hands-on, just two minutes from Kenrokuen Garden
Following a model or your imagination, design your own paper doll the way you like
【Higashi Chaya District】~Goldleaf Workshop~ Design it yourself. Anyone can participate.
【Higashi Chaya District】~Goldleaf Workshop~ Design it yourself. Anyone can participate.
Observe up close the goldleaf work by artisans. price:1,000JPY~, Duration:60min
【Gold leaf workshop】Let's try making your own gold leaf products!
【Gold leaf workshop】Let's try making your own gold leaf products!
In the hands-on-experience section, you can make your own gold leaf product in a relaxed atmosphere.
A small journey to touch the heart of traditional craft Kaga Yuzen
A small journey to touch the heart of traditional craft Kaga Yuzen
Admire the autumn leaves from the Asano River to Mt. Utatsu, and experience Kaga Yuzen dyeing and coloring with a Kaga Yuzen artist at Ryukokuji Temple, which is associated with Kaga Yuzen.
  • Kutani Kosen Kiln Workplace Insights
  • Kutani ware Etsuke (Drawing) Experience
  • Potter's Wheel Experience
  • MIZUHIKI craft necklace making workshop
  • Create your original vessel in a unique "Kanazawa-Nuri" style by layering and painting various colors!
  • Where Woodcarving Comes Alive: One-on-one Tour of Inami with a Local Guide
  • Take a break from the hustle and bustle of the town and refresh your mind to the sound of Kaga Furin wind chimes
  • Experience and learn the secrets of Kaga Yuzen, one of Kanazawa’s most sophisticated handicrafts, in a very elegant studio!
  • 【Higashi Chaya District】~Goldleaf Workshop~ Design it yourself. Anyone can participate.
  • Enjoy a gold leaf workshop, one of the city’s top handicrafts, right in the center of Kanazawa
  • Incredibly fun art of “mizuhiki”! [Making a Shimenawa]
  • Incredibly fun art of “mizuhiki”! [Making a Hashioki]
  • Incredibly fun art of “mizuhiki”! [making a Message Card]
  • Incredibly fun art of “mizuhiki”! [Making colorful accessories]
  • 満員御礼【金沢市民限定ツアー】金沢駅アートツアー!世界が認めた美しさの秘密
  • The making name charm of Kaga Inlay and original carved seals.【You can take a walk from Higashiyama.】
  • The making of original name charm! Let's make the souvenir of the trip in the metal sculpture studio! [The charm of dogs and cats is popular, too]
  • The making of original name charm of the small carved seals. [You can make the family crest of Kaga(A plum blossom crest) too!]
  • Gold leaf pasting experience
  • Incredibly fun art of “mizuhiki”! [Making an envelope]
  • A paper doll painting hands-on, just two minutes from Kenrokuen Garden
  • A very accessible gold leaf workshop, just a few blocks from Kenrokuen Garden
  • A traditional Wagashi Japanese sweet workshop only two minutes from Kenrokuen Garden (reservation required)
  • Easy and fun! A glass etching hands-on just a few minutes’ walk from Kenrokuen Garden
  • Kaga Yuzen Dyeing workshop at the artist's studio near Kanazawa Station!
  • Wood Charring Experience at Iwamoto Kiyoshi Studio
  • A small journey to touch the heart of traditional craft Kaga Yuzen
  • WAGASA Japanese traditional umbrella weaving experiance
  • 【Gold leaf workshop】Let's try making your own gold leaf products!

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