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- Got featured on Australia's newspaper The Sydney Morning Herald. A bullet train gets you to a part of Japan tourists are yet to discover
- https://www.smh.com.au/traveller/inspiration/a-bullet-train-gets-you-to-a-part-of-japan-tourists-are-yet-to-discover-20240423-p5flxt.html
- Got featured on BBC, one of the world's most influential media outlets. The true story of Japan's samurai city that chose art over war.
- https://www.bbc.com/travel/article/20240423-the-true-story-of-japans-samurai-city-that-chose-art-over-war
- Got featured in the media!
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- Got featured in the media!
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- Kanazawa City Cultural and Tourist Facilities Open and Closed Following the Noto Peninsula Earthquake
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- Traffic Information in Kanazawa City due to the Noto Peninsula Earthquake
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- Kanazawa Castle Park will re-open on January 20th
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- 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art will re-open on Feburuary 6th
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- All Kanazawa Light up Bus services are suspended.
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- [Hands-Free Travel] Deliver your baggage from Kanazawa Station to your hotel on the day!
- https://visitkanazawa.jp/en/tourist-center/detail_52222.html